Thursday, September 2, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Super Darts
Jetta has just been given a dart game for her birthday. The board has an outer ring and an inner ring. The outer ring scores 3 points and the inner ring 7. Jetta was bored with only using three darts . She wondered if she used as many darts as she liked whether she could get 58 points.
Can she get 58? If so, in how many ways can she get 58?
(If she can’t get 58 find a number in the 50s that she can get and see how many times she can get that number.)
Calculator count to 1000
My Dogs
The Fathers Day Card
At the Movies
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Tennis and Golf Players
The 500 Problem
Legs in the Barn
Pocket Money
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Mums Kitchen Floor
Mum’s kitchen floor is square and is fitted by 64 square tiles in a 8 x 8 array. Mum has chosen black and white tiles. She could have the tiles laid so that they looked like a chessboard but she was hoping for something a bit unusual. The tile man sketched something that had reflective and rotational symmetry. What did he suggest?
The Treasure Map
Captain Blackheart had buried his treasure and committed the biggest sin a pirate can commit – he had lost his treasure map! But all was not lost. His trusty crew all remembered different bits of the map.
"I remember drawing it with 5 squares each way", said the Captain. ("He can’t count over 6", the cabin boy John said.)
"There was a row of three trees running due East from the square (1,1)", Peg Leg Pete said. "You put each one of them on a different square."
"Weren’t there four granite boulders going due South from (5,5)?" John asked. "I think you put one of them each in a square too."
"Ah!. Now I remember!" yelled the Captain. "I buried the treasure half way between the first rock and the most western tree!"
Where is the treasure?
Robots can move around the 4 x 4 board below. They can do so at the rate of one square per second. Start the red robot at (1,1) and give it instructions (square by square) to move in a square of side length 3 around the square (2,2).